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Travel Insurance for Turkey

It is no secret that the majority of tourists vacationing in Turkey are Russians. Comfortable hotels with modern infrastructure are built on the shores of the Mediterranean, Black, Aegean and Sea of ??Marmara. On comfortable beaches, guests are offered entertainment for every taste. Turkey has developed surfing, yachting, and other extreme sports. For lovers of nightlife along the coast, restaurants and bars with dance floors are open until the morning. For families with children, the country offers water parks, dolphinariums, a huge number of entertainment centres, playgrounds, etc.

Always have travel insurance with you when travelling. It is impossible to foresee all the circumstances in which a tourist will find himself during the day. Having a policy allows you to feel more confident and secure.

Do I need insurance in Turkey for the Russians
Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to visit Turkish resorts without a visa. This means that medical insurance for travelling to Turkey is not included in the list of required documents for crossing the border. Experienced travellers nevertheless strongly recommend buying a policy in order to protect themselves from serious financial losses in the event of an emergency.

Why do I need insurance in Turkey
The voluntary medical insurance contract for travelling abroad provides for full consulting support of the insured in the cases listed in the document. The dispatchers of the service of the insurance company around the clock receive calls and messages from tourists, direct their actions, choose clinics. In the absence of travel insurance, you will have to look for doctors and interpreters in an emergency on your own.

The policy will also avoid the high costs of treatment. The insurance company will pay emergency bills or compensate for losses incurred under the contract. This is important because the service of foreign citizens in Turkish clinics is carried out only on a fee basis. Prices for treatment are close to European. The cost of recovery after conventional food poisoning many times exceeds the cost of honey. Travel insurance to Turkey.

Thus, the policy becomes for the tourist a guarantor of financial protection in unforeseen circumstances. Consulates of the Russian Federation do not have the means and authority to treat Russian citizens abroad - the victims themselves, their relatives or an insurance company can pay the bills. The latter option is very profitable and convenient.

What expenses will cover insurance in Turkey
According to international requirements, the basic coverage policy covers the following risks:
  • transportation to the clinic;
  • ambulatory emergency treatment;
  • inpatient treatment for life-threatening;
  • emergency dentistry;
  • evacuation of a tourist to his homeland for health reasons;
  • repatriation in tragic circumstances.
The contract and the Insurance Rules describe in detail the insured events and the conditions for compensation of expenses for each risk. We recommend that you carefully read this information.

Additional risks for insurance in Turkey
In practice, for a relaxing holiday in Turkey, tourists add additional options to the basic content of the policy.

Trip cancellation. Even a carefully planned vacation sometimes has to be postponed or completely cancelled. Often this happens for reasons beyond the control of the tourist: due to illness, injury, participation in court, etc. Travel insurance would compensate for the cost of paid tickets and hotel room reservation within the coverage amount if the trip had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Loss or delay of baggage. The option covers the risk of baggage loss due to the fault of the carrier. Compensation is also provided in case of delayed things on the way. This option is especially relevant for air travel.

Active leisure and sport. If your vacation is not limited to walks around the hotel, we recommend that you include risk in the insurance contract. The option covers the treatment of injuries sustained during yachting, diving, surfing and other sports. It is necessary for both amateurs and professionals.

Third-party liability. During a vacation abroad, you can accidentally injure another person or damage other people's property. Insurance with the option "Civil liability" compensates for damage to victims by court order.

Pay attention to insured events and restrictions for each risk. They are described in detail in the contract and in the Insurance Rules. The amount of financial liability of the insurance company is limited by the amount of coverage specified in the policy.

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What tourists should fear in Turkey
When it comes to danger, very often, they primarily talk about infections. Before going to Turkey, you should take vaccinations, which you can consult with your doctor. A visit to him must be made 6-8 weeks before departure since after vaccination time must pass before an immune response is formed.

The second danger is poisonous snakes. They are rarely seen in the resort area, but on an excursion, you can find a viper or other reptile. If you find an animal, try to avoid it. Do not try to get closer, view or take a picture. Health is more expensive than a few interesting shots.

The third thing to fear is the abundance of food and the change in water quality. In the first days after arrival, some travellers may suffer from indigestion, mild food poisoning, and an upset bowel. Try to limit yourself to lunch and dinner buffets. Drink only filtered or bottled water. Always wash your hands before eating. These simple rules can help maintain normal stomach function.

Another dangerous factor is the climate, unusual for Russians. The resort area is hot and dry. In summer, solar activity is very high. A long stay on the beach often ends with burns, heatstroke, dehydration. Make sure you always have enough drinking water. Try not to be in the open sun during the hottest hours, so that relaxing by the sea does not become a prisoner in the walls of the hotel with temperature and anti-burn ointments.

What can not be done in Turkey
Little is known about the dangers and avoiding harmful factors. It is also necessary to remember the elementary rules of conduct in a foreign country.
  • Do not self-medicate. If during rest, there are serious health problems, a fever has risen, do not try to be treated with herbal decoctions, pills, or other means without a doctor's prescription. Contact your insurance company's customer service immediately and ask for help. Specialists will send you to a clinic or call a doctor, explain what documents you need to bring with you.
  • Observe safety requirements. Read the instructions for using the pool, rides. Going to sea by a sailor on a bus tour, carefully listen to the guide, who should talk about the rules of safe behaviour in transport. Violation of basic requirements may deprive support of the insurance company.
  • Do not abuse alcohol. Alcohol is a common cause of injuries, illnesses, civil lawsuits, and other troubles. It is highly recommended that you limit the number of alcoholic drinks while relaxing in a foreign country. The tourist will have to treat injuries. Diseases received while intoxicated at his own expense. Medical insurance does not apply to such cases.
What to do when an insured event occurs
If an insured event occurs during your vacation, do not panic. Follow the algorithm calmly and clearly:
  • contact the service centre operator in any way possible;
  • Introduce yourself, provide the number and duration of the insurance policy, location and nature of the appeal;
  • Strictly follow the instructions of a specialist service company. If the emergency is insurance and is indicated in the medical insurance contract for people travelling abroad, the operator will help you choose a medical institution that will provide services in accordance with the options noted in the insurance;
  • If you have made insurance expenses, save supporting financial documents. They will need to be submitted to AlfaStrakhovanie's offices within 30 days;
  • AlfaStrakhovanie company will reimburse the losses incurred in accordance with the insurance contract.

How much is insurance to Turkey
The cost of the policy is calculated individually. It depends on the following factors.
  • The age of the tourist. The price of the policy for a child, an elderly person and an adult will be different.
  • Risky content. You can purchase various insurance programs: from "Economy" to "Premium". The wider the coverage of the policy, the more confident you can feel in a foreign country.
  • The amount of insurance coverage. Within its limits, payments are made under an insurance contract. The established minimum is 30,000. e. You can increase insurance coverage up to 100,000. e.
  • Trip period. Insurance must include the date of entry and exit from the country. The cost is calculated by the number of days.
Where to buy insurance in Turkey
You can apply for a travel policy online on the AlfaStrakhovanie company website. To buy insurance in Turkey, follow a few simple steps:
  • indicate the dates of the trip in the proposed form;
  • enter the date of birth of the tourist;
  • select the option "Sports and outdoor activities" if you have big vacation plans;
  • mark the insurance program that is most convenient for you or add certain options to the contract;
  • enter contact information: phone number and email address;
  • pay the policy in a convenient way.
The document will be delivered by e-mail. You do not need to come to the office. Print out your insurance and carry it with you throughout your journey.